Man with mental illness shot by police officer at Florida high school

Lady March Goldwire’s eyes light up when she talks about her son, Donel Elam. “Donel is an extraordinary person: a beautiful mind, a beautiful heart, a smile that is out of this world,” she said. Donel was a superstar on the high school football field and had a bright future. In 2014 everything changed. “He … Read more

Researchers identify how aspirin prevents colon cancer

Long-term daily use of aspirin is known to prevent colon cancer, but until now it was unclear why this is the case. Now researchers think they understand how aspirin works against colon cancer, says a new study. Aspirin appears to boost aspects of the body’s immune response against cancer cells, according to findings published April … Read more

Masturbating can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, expert claims (and more is better!)

By Emily Stearn, health reporter for Mailonline 1:25 PM April 24, 2024, updated 2:14 PM April 24, 2024 When it comes to ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer, you might immediately think of eating more vegetables or hitting the gym. But according to an expert, there is something else that can help: masturbation. … Read more

Surgeons perform the first combined pig kidney transplant and heart pump to extend women’s lives

NEW YORK (AP) — Doctors have transplanted a pig kidney into a New Jersey woman who was near death, part of a dramatic operation that also stabilized her failing heart. Lisa Pisano’s combination of heart and kidney failure left her too sick to qualify for a traditional transplant and out of options. Then doctors at … Read more

This skill can help you overcome burnout and be happier at work

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According to Wiens, the “most underrated” skill successful people use to avoid burnout is shifting their stress response from “fight or flight” to “challenge.” You’re probably familiar with fight or flight, the stress response that can occur when faced with a perceived threat. When fighting or fleeing, your body is on high alert and hormones … Read more

This skill can help you overcome burnout and be happier at work

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According to Wiens, the “most underrated” skill successful people use to avoid burnout is shifting their stress response from “fight or flight” to “challenge.” You’re probably familiar with fight or flight, the stress response that can occur when faced with a perceived threat. When fighting or fleeing, your body is on high alert and hormones … Read more